Why do you need a TEFL certification?

TEFL Certification students

How many languages do you think there are in the world?

Although there is no exact calculation that shows the number of languages that exist, according to a report by the Washington Post, there are about 7,100 languages around the world. But it is no secret that the universal language is English, the language that allows us to break down barriers in communication. In that sense, thanks to the fact that English is one of the most widely spoken languages, it makes communication between different cultures possible. Therefore, many people want to learn it. Do you have a good level of English and want to work teaching it? It is important that you have a TEFL certification.

Here are some important reasons why you need a TEFL certification.

1) Acquiring professional teaching skills

Teaching with professionalism is a mandatory requirement to ensure effective learning for students of any subject matter, and even more so in language acquisition.

That is why being a teacher is not so easy, it requires study, ability, commitment and vocation.

If you live in Madrid, or in Spain, and you want to be an English teacher, then we recommend you to get a TEFL certificate. This will help you to teach English to people who want to learn English as a second language. That is, to Spaniards.

But before getting a TEFL certification, you must take a course that will help you acquire the best techniques and tools to offer quality teaching and offer the best results.

In this way, the certification will not only guarantee you a professional teaching level, but it will also be of great help for you to be able to demonstrate your own abilities. It allows you to develop your work as a teacher, either on your own or collaborating with English language schools, helping you to expand your horizons in this interesting field of teaching.

2) Have greater job opportunities thanks to TEFL certification

In a world where job competition is becoming more and more demanding, it is necessary to have the best possible training to be an excellent English teacher. In fact, TEFL certification offers a great opportunity for this, even for those who are not considering teaching as a livelihood.

And remember that this also applies to you even if English is not your mother tongue, as long as you have a good B2 level.

In countries where there is a strong migratory wave, and where there are already good professionals in the English language teaching field, the competence of new teachers is of paramount importance. This is one more reason for you to get the TEFL certification, to be better prepared.

Although some educational institutions prefer to hire native English-speaking teachers, they also hire non-native teachers with a Tefl certification. In some cases language schools prefer teachers who speak high level Spanish in order to better understand their students. In addition a Tefl certification will offer you the opportunity to expand your curriculum, or to work independently.

3) Obtain an official and fully valid certificate

The Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) course is designed to provide the best tools and techniques to teach languages in an exceptional way. The course provides teachers not only with the technique and tools, it also ensures that they value, appreciate and love the art of teaching.

While it is true that having the recognition of other people and the recommendation of third parties gives prestige to our work, it is no less true that having an official certificate and recognized worldwide, adds greater value to our CV.

The TEFL certificate is recognized and validated by international organizations such as the United Kingdom British Council, whose objective is to expand the English language to other territories through different educational trainings.

In other words, this certification is important. It can be said that it is a certificate that guarantees your knowledge and techniques as an English teacher and that meets the high standards established by governing institutions such as the British Council.

To obtain international recognition, you are required to have passed a course of 120 to 150 hours of training. As a result, the institutions or academies that hire you will have full confidence in you.

4) The TEFL certification does not expire.

One of the biggest advantages of taking an English teaching course is that when you receive your TEFL certification, it doesn´t expire, so you will not need to renew the course, much less pay for new material or carry out additional training.

Best of all is the cost-effectiveness of having this certification. There will always be people who want to learn the English language for whatever reason. The truth is that with your TEFL certification you can teach from home, in person or through online platforms or even start your own language school!

The requirements you need to meet to obtain the certification are not very demanding: you must be of legal age, have completed your compulsory studies and have an accredited B2 qualification (if your mother tongue is not English) according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

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