Yes, you can teach English in Spain!

You too can teach English in Spain

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Do you have an advanced level of English? Do you want to teach English? If your answer is yes, congratulations! It is important to know that teaching English in Spain is a great opportunity for you. Even if you do not have a major in the English language (English philology), even if your mother tongue is not English, you can still teach English in Spain. How? By obtaining a TEFL certificate.

Next, we will see some aspects that we have to consider in order to teach English and how to obtain this certification.

How can you teach English in Spain?

The answer is that you have the opportunity to teach English in Spain with a TEFL certification. This diploma equips teachers with the best techniques and tools to impart their knowledge of the language to non-English speaking students.

Teaching is an art and requires specific training to obtain excellent results. Being Tefl certified will validate and officially recognize your teaching skills and allow you to meet the standards of a highly professional teacher.

Professional training is the key to quality teaching. Anyone can gain a certain amount of knowledge if they study and prepare on their own, but being able to teach or explain certain topics of a language, and have students understand it is very different. With TEFL certification this is possible.

Therefore, if you want to enhance your English language teaching skills and become a teacher in Spain, take a TEFL training course and gain the necessary requirements. You´ll therefore be fully qualified to train all people who want to learn the most widely spoken language in the world.

How to obtain a TEFL certification?

Knowing English opens the doors to many job opportunities. Being able to travel to other parts of the world and not have problems communicating with people from other countries is one of the most satisfying experiences in life. In fact, in the commercial world, in order to carry out business and governmental transactions, English is the bridge to establish these type of relationships.

English as a second language is therefore very necessary and in demand, which is why it is a compulsory subject in educational institutions in countries around the world. And if you already have a good level of English you can take advantage of this opportunity to become a teacher in Spain and around the world.

The only thing you need to do is to take a training course that will allow you to obtain a TEFL certification and thus be able to teach English in Spain as well as further abroad. This certificate is internationally accredited and having it gives you the guarantee that, as a teacher, you meet the high standards set by the British Council and other worldwide governing institutions.

Some considerations for obtaining the TEFL certificate

As mentioned before, the first thing to do is to take a TEFL course in Spain and learn from professional EFL instructors who will guide you on the path to excellence in teaching English.

Most courses usually have a duration that varies between 100 and 150 hours carried out at language centers and In Person. or you can do it from the comfort of your own home. In the latter case, you will only need a computer and an internet connection.

What will you learn in this course?

You will learn different techniques to teach reading, listening, speaking, writing and phonetics of the language.

The grammar of a second language is the part that most language learners fear the most. Therefore, in the TEFL course you will acquire strategies to teach it in a straightforward, dynamic fashion. In addition to pedagogy, you will learn about methodology, i.e., lesson planning, achieving objectives and facilitating language development in students.

Following this scheme, you will also learn how to adapt the teaching according to the needs of the students, be creative with the didactic materials in each subject and, very important, know how to reach the student. Understand what motivates them and use that knowledge to enhance and promote quality learning.

Certificates similar to TEFL to teach English in Spain

When you search the internet for the words “TEFL certificate” or search for the phrase “teach English in Spain”, you may find similar acronyms that cover English language teaching. A very common one is TESL, as well as TESL MA, which refers to graduate courses for those who have already obtained the first certification.

In addition, there are two other TEFL qualifications that are currently in high demand, namely the Trinity CertTESOL and the CELTA. The former was created by Trinity College London and the latter by Cambridge University. Both are recognized by the British Council and other international companies.

In short: you can be an English teacher, if you have a good level of the language already, put your mind to it and, of course, take the necessary instruction!

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